Hemp and Flax Biocomposites
Bamboo Biocomposites
Rice Husk Biocomposites
Grocery Stores - Unhealthy?
Currently, our grocery stores are full of plastics, microplastics, forever chemicals, foam, vinyl, and other chemical compounds which are truly detrimental to human health. So many packaging options are full of toxins, touching our food. When consumers shop for food, many do not recognize the danger in the packaging. Bringing change to grocery stores will help people of all ages and in every community across the country.
We have to start where we can make the most difference.
BioBundle Values
The Situation
The Biosphere
Is the closed system in which we live composed of earth, water, air and all living things which naturally supports systems of recycling and in the process allows all life to thrive and continue.
Humans Past and Current
Have caused damage through toxins, forever chemicals, compounds, and plastics to our earths' natural cycles and human health.
Humans Today
Are in a unique position to recognize our role as good stewards of the biosphere and choose to use natural materials for health and longevity of ourselves and our planet.